Taster Program Year 7/8
All students are entitled to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning programs drawn from the Western Australian Curriculum.
Along with their core subjects, our Year 7 and Year 8 students are enrolled in courses that span the breadth and depth of our Learning Areas though our Taster Program. These include:
- Dance
- Design & Technology
- Drama
- Food & Technologies
- Information Technology
- Music
- Visual Arts
Dance is expressive movement with purpose and form. Through Dance, students represent, question and celebrate human experience, using movement as the medium for personal, social, emotional, physical and cultural communication.
Active participation as dancers, choreographers and audiences promotes wellbeing and social inclusion. Learning in and through Dance enhances students' knowledge and understanding of diverse cultures and contexts and develops their personal, social and cultural identity.
Year 7 Dance
Dance students build on their understanding of the elements of dance and choreographic devices to create dance that communicates an idea. They continue to improve their technical dance skills, focusing on confidence, clarity of movement and projection. As they make dance and respond to it, they reflect on the meaning, interpretations and purposes of dance.
Year 8 Dance
Dance students are introduced to improvisation skills to create new movement and choreograph dances using the elements of dance and choreographic devices for a purpose. They develop their dance skills to explore the technical aspects of different dance styles. They discuss how dance can communicate meaning and how dance genres/styles differ.
Design & Technology
Knowledge, understandings and skills involved in the design, development and use of technologies are influenced by, and can play a role in, enriching and transforming societies and our natural, managed and constructed environments.
The Western Australian Curriculum: Design and Technologies actively engages students in creating quality designed solutions for identified needs and opportunities across a range of technologies contexts. Students consider the economic, environmental and social impacts of technological change and how the choice and use of technologies contributes to a sustainable future. Decision-making processes are informed by ethical, legal, aesthetic and functional factors.
Through Design and Technologies students manage projects, independently and collaboratively, from conception to realisation. They apply design and systems thinking and design processes to investigate ideas, generate and refine ideas, plan, produce and evaluate designed solutions. They develop their ability to generate innovative designed products, services and environments.
Special requirements: Safety glasses and covered footwear to be worn in all practical subject areas.
Year 7 Woodwork & Metalwork
In this introductory course, you will develop safe workshop practices and master basic hand skills to produce a variety of interesting projects. You will have the opportunity to use a variety of materials including wood, metal, acrylic and glass.
Year 8 Woodwork & Metalwork
During this course, you will develop your practical skills and knowledge by producing a variety of interesting projects. Examples may include toolboxes, utensils, jewellery boxes and turned bowls. You will develop design skills and utilise problem-solving techniques to produce high quality projects, which are unique and rewarding.
In metalwork you will be using a wide range of specialist hand tools and machinery to produce a range of projects. Examples of projects may include a egg holder, toolbox, model fly, balancing desk toy and spinning tops. You will learn design techniques and use problem solving skills to help you design interesting and practical projects. This is a very practical course.
Drama is the expression and exploration of personal, emotional, social and cultural worlds, through role and situation, that engages, entertains and challenges. Students create meaning as drama makers, performers and audiences as they engage with and analyse their own and others' stories and points of view.
In making and staging drama, they learn how to be focused, innovative and resourceful. They will also collaborate with peers and take on responsibilities for drama performances. Students develop a sense of curiosity and empathy by exploring the diversity of drama in the contemporary world and in other times, traditions, places and cultures.
Students will explore a variety of Drama techniques, both practical and theoretical. The lower school drama program is designed to provide a broad understanding of the subject, no matter what previous experience you may have. Students will develop their knowledge of drama as an art form as well as building important life skills in communication, teamwork and creative problem solving.
There are also extra-curricular opportunities with Drama Club proving a popular choice for all year groups as an after school activity. There may also be a variety of theatre excursions and incursions offered throughout the year. Students will be expected to perform to an audience at least once during the course of the year.
Year 7 Drama
Learning Areas: Aboriginal Theatre - Improvisation - Greek Theatre - iPad Storytelling - Shadow Puppetry
Year 8 Drama
Learning Areas: Mime - Costume Design - Realism - Children’s Theatre - Play Building
Food and Technologies
Year 7 Sewing & Cooking
Students will learn to use sewing machines whilst producing useful everyday articles. Students will progress through the technology process, learn to manage time and work in a safe and collaborative manner.
During cooking classes, students will learn to plan and prepare a variety of healthy nourishing foods. Cooking skills, time management, technology process, safety and collaboration are important aspects of this course
Year 8 Cooking
During year 8, students will take a look at food and nutrition. They will learn choices for how to lead a healthy lifestyle and make sound nutritional choices, make nutritious, filling and tasty meals and snacks. Throughout this program, they will also learn about the changes taking place in food, eating, meal patterns and new technologies.
Information (Digital) Technology
Digital systems are everywhere, mobile and desktop devices and networks are transforming learning, recreational activities, home life and work. Digital systems support new ways of collaborating and communicating, and require new skills such as computational and systems thinking. Technologies are an essential problem-solving toolset in our knowledge-based society.
The Western Australian Curriculum:
Information (Digital) Technologies empowers students to shape change by influencing how contemporary and emerging information systems and practices are applied to meet current and future needs. A deep knowledge and understanding of information systems enables students to be creative and discerning decision-makers when they select, use and manage data, information, processes and digital systems to meet needs and shape preferred futures.
Information (Digital) Technologies provides students with practical opportunities to use design thinking and to be innovative developers of digital solutions and knowledge. Information (Digital) Technologies enables students to become innovative creators of digital solutions, effective users of digital systems and critical consumers of information conveyed by digital systems.
Year 7 Digitech
Students will be introduced to the world of computers by using the latest technologies and software programs of today. They will learn how computers operate through hands on experience, design and create their own multimedia projects and build their own games. Students will use software including Microsoft Office Suite, Graphics Software, and learn basic Coding. Using this software they will learn how to manipulate graphics, design Apps and create various games. This course allows students to develop their skills in using computers and learn about the changing world of 21st century technologies.
Year 8 Digitech
Students will develop their skills in using computers through the use of various software programs and hands on experiences. They will learn how to build a computer, program robots, use graphic manipulation software and create their own games. Students will research future trend developments in the field of computing. Web page development skills will be refined using Web building platforms and students will use templates to create their own web pages. Students who wish to develop their skills for their own interest or are looking for a career in Information Technology will begin to develop skills on the basic programs and then advance toward their potential.
Media Arts
Media Arts enables students to analyse past technologies, and use existing and emerging technologies as they explore imagery, text and sound to create meaning. Students participate in, experiment with, and interpret cultures, media genres and styles, and different communication practices.
Students learn to be critically aware of ways that media are culturally used and negotiated, and are dynamic and central to the way they make sense of the world and themselves. They learn to interpret, analyse and develop media practices through their experiences in making media arts. They are inspired to imagine, collaborate and take on responsibilities in planning, designing and producing media artworks.
Media Arts knowledge and skills ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students develop:
confidence to participate in, experiment with, and interpret the media-rich culture and communications practices that surround them
aesthetic knowledge developed through exploration of imagery, text and sound to express ideas, concepts and stories using effective teamwork strategies to produce media artwork
creative and critical thinking skills to explore different perspectives in media as producers and consumers
awareness of their active participation in local and global media cultures, including using safe media practices when publishing online materials.
Year 7 Media
Students are provided with opportunities to view media work within the context of the selected focus. They are introduced to the basic communication model, explore different viewpoints in contemporary media, plan and create representations in media work and respond to their own work and the work of others.
Students work as a team, follow timelines, and use processes and strategies to ensure safe and responsible use of media equipment.
Music has the capacity to engage, entertain, challenge, inspire and empower students. Studying music stimulates imaginative and innovative responses, critical thinking and aesthetic understanding, and encourages students to reach their creative and expressive potential.
Music exists distinctively in every culture and is a basic expression of human experience. Students' active participation in music, individually and collaboratively, draws on their own traditions and life experiences. These experiences help them to appreciate and meaningfully engage with music practices and traditions of other times, places, cultures and contexts.
Subject Content
The main focus of this course is to give your child the opportunity to develop their ability, skills and love for music.
Students will be able to gain valuable experience with the techniques used in contemporary music including performing and basic music production/recording.
There will be a variety of opportunities to use industry studio music equipment. This course has a high practical content in performance.
Instrumental learning in class for (Vocals, Guitar, Ukulele, Drums and Keyboard) and group performances.
The course provides a strong foundation in basic music and musicianship skills.
Students may, if they wish, participate in extracurricular activities and ensembles after school.
Visual Arts
Visual Art is a fantastic subject that offers students an opportunity to express themselves creatively whilst learning valuable critical thinking skills. Visual Arts incorporates all three fields of art, craft and design. Students create visual representations that communicate, challenge and express their own and others' ideas, both as artists and audience members. They develop perceptual and conceptual understanding, critical reasoning and practical skills through exploring and expanding their understanding of their world, and other worlds.
Visual Arts engages students in a journey of discovery, experimentation and problem-solving relevant to visual perception and visual language. Students undertake this journey by utilising visual techniques, technologies, practices and processes. Visual Arts supports students' ability to recognise and develop cultural appreciation of visual arts in the past and contemporary contexts through exploring and responding to artists and their artworks.
Visual Arts knowledge and skills ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students:
demonstrate confidence, curiosity, imagination and enjoyment when engaged in visual arts making
apply visual arts techniques, materials, processes and technologies to create artworks through the design and inquiry process
apply visual language and critical creative thinking skills when creating and responding to artwork
develop aesthetic, artistic and cultural appreciation of visual arts in past and contemporary contexts, both as artists and art critics.
Art forms studied may include:-
2D (painting, printmaking, drawing, graphics, collage)
3D (ceramics, sculpture, installations)
Year 7
Students have opportunities to use and apply visual language and artistic conventions in their design and production process. They create 2D and/or 3D artworks through projects which encourage personal response and an understanding of compositional structure. Students are made aware of the need for safe visual arts practices, and present their artworks for display.
Projects will include: Printmaking, clay work, painting and drawing
Year 8
Students become familiar with how and why artists, craftspeople or designers realise their ideas. They have opportunities to evaluate the contexts of culture, time and place within artworks. Students apply knowledge of techniques used by other artists, in the production of their own artworks.
Projects will include: Cartooning, clay work, painting and drawing