Congratulations to our Manager Corporate Services, Angelique Choo for being recognised with a Making a Difference Award from the Education Department. This award is for dedication, care and commitment to the students and staff at Lakeland Senior High School.
Making a Difference Award
Book Week Dress Up Day
Education Support Program Info Sessions
Parent Teacher Interviews - Tuesday 25 July 2023
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Parent Teacher interviews for all year groups will be held on Tuesday 25 July 2023 from 3.30pm to 6.00pm in the Library.
Please note that students will attend school normally on this date.
We are using an online booking system called Parent Teacher Online (PTO) for bookings of these interviews. It will save time for parents, staff and students!
Parents can make bookings via the booking system, PTO which will open on Tuesday 18 July 2023 at 8.00am. .
Each interview will be of 10 minutes duration.
Greg Prosser, Year 7/8 Program Coordinator, will be running 2 sessions of EFFECTIVE STUDY SKILLS during the event:
- 4.00pm to 4.30pm
- 5.00pm to 5.30pm
This 30 minute session will help parents and students understand how to approach homework and study to boost academic success.
If you want your marks to be higher and tests to be less stressful, then this session is for you.
All parents can book into one of these EFFECTIVE STUDY SKILLS sessions via PTO as well.
These specialist staff are also available to be booked via PTO for anyone who wants to see them (limited bookings available):
Alastair Reid - Year 9/10 Program Coordinator
Alana Pritchard – Year 11/12 Program Coordinator
Anita Cecic – School Psychologist
Salome Jacquette - School Chaplain
Nancy Xiao – School Nurse
Suzanne White – Career Practitioner
Sharon Roebourne – AIEO (Aboriginal & Islander Education Officer)
Using this PTO system you will be able to book the interview times that suit you best from any internet enabled device. PTO also has its own free app for Apple and Android devices. A computer will be available in reception during school hours if you do not have internet access at home or elsewhere.
You can also contact Silvia Foh at the school office by phone on 6172 2205 to assist you with the bookings.
Please access the system as follows:
Go to our school’s home page under the heading OUR SCHOOL, click on Parent Teacher Online then “Obtain PIN/Password” and enter your email address as recorded in our school system. Your PIN then will be emailed to you
- Click the PTO icon as shown here …
- Alternatively you can go to the following link:
- Download the PTO app from the App Store or Google Play, and enter our school code 2ephr to register
Full instructions are provided to you after log in. Please note the following points:
- When you log on, the system displays only your own child/children. Bookings are made for individual parents/guardians, not for couples. Couples can however log on to the system simultaneously to coordinate bookings. If two parents/guardians wish to attend a single interview time slot, one parent/guardian should make the booking then both can attend.
- You will only see time slots that are available at the time you are using the system. As time slots are booked for teachers, those time slots are no longer displayed as available. PTO prevents double-booking of teachers or parents/guardians.
- When you have made all the bookings you require, you can download or email a report of your bookings in time order for printing. You can log in and change bookings any time up to 8.00am on the day of interviews (Tuesday 25 July 2023).
- If you see this symbol
displayed along side the class name, it means this teacher recommends that you book an interview.
- Other parents may be making bookings at the same time that you are using the system. It is possible, though unlikely, that a time slot is displayed to you as available, but is then booked by another parent shortly afterwards. If you then attempt to book this time slot it will not be available and a message will be displayed to indicate this.
- If you encounter any problems using PTO please contact Silvia Foh at the school office by phone on 6172 2205, or by email to
We look forward to seeing you at the Parent Teacher Interviews.
Yours sincerely,
Catherine Baron
Year 7 Parent Afternoon
P&C AGM - Monday 13 March at 6.30pm
We want to hear your voice!
Lakeland SHS P&C invite all parents to their AGM on: Monday 13th March at 6:30pm in the Conference Room.
It cost $2 per year to be a voting member and the more parents we get, the better we can support our children and school.
The P&C meets once a term.
Lakeland SHS P&C
Saver Plus Program
Saver Plus – helping take the stress out of back to school time
The Saver Plus community program has helped over 55,000 Australians take the stress out of back to school time. It’s free for eligible people to join.
At Saver Plus, we pair you with a savings coach while you budget and save over the next 10 months. You attend online workshops to learn tips, tricks and information to grow your budgeting and savings skills. Once you reach your agreed savings goal, ANZ matches your savings dollar-for-dollar, up to $500. You can use that money towards education costs such as uniforms, text books, laptops or extra-curricular activities such as sport or music.
You could be eligible to join Saver Plus if you:
have a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card
are at least 18 years old
have some regular income from work (you or your partner) including casual, part-time, full-time or seasonal (we also accept child support and carer’s payment as income)
have a child at school or attend vocational education yourself.
If you’re eligible, start now and we’ll help take the stress out of next year’s back to school.
To find out more, or to apply, go to or call 1300 610 355
Dance Club
Thursdays 8.00-8:50am in the Theatre.
Open to all students.
Please see Miss Valentine for more info.